Friday, September 23, 2011

Arrived in Baku

Yeah made it to Baku on the Caspian Sea.  This is the end of the line on this trip anyway.  Toured the Penninsula checking out teh awsome fire temple and petroglyphs dating back to 10000 BC  This city stri9kes me as a cross between Dubai and Brussels. with Istanbul's undercurrent.  Promenades with Vafa have been wonderful  Going to the Cinema tommorow -pot luck there 3 days left to get some serious writing done Amen and Cheers.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Landed in Ganja

I'm refering to the bleak city in the West of Azerbaijan of course. lol Heading to Baku This marks my 157'th country

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Greetings From Georgia

just crossed into Georgia and I already miss Armenia but I guess it's just contrast  Still give it a shot and see what my 156'th country brings today Tblisi is a nice city but after a night out I feel it's got a lot in common with Riga Latvia in other words impersonal and cold